Resources to Spread the Word and Help New Leaders Find the Support They Need for Effective Leadership!

A Word from Bill
Help New Leader’s Find the Playbook you wish you had!
I’m going to make it easy for you to do it! Below you will find a small number of specific and tangible ways you can inspire people to get the book. The very first item is to read the book or listen to the audiobook! Doing that will make you confident that this is a book that can do a lot of good in the world, and build your enthusiasm for sharing it widely.
Leadership Two Words at a Time represents three decades of leadership lessons that I learned from leaders like YOU. The lessons YOU shared are all over these pages. In a very real way, YOU wrote this book with me. I hope you’ll actively help me promote OUR book!

Read it!
The first thing you can do is read the book! If you haven’t received a digital version yet, please e-mail me and I will send one your way.
I wrote this book as a guide for new leaders. The lessons are draw from my work with thousands of leaders, new and experienced, across the globe. The lessons were born from their struggles and setbacks as they faced the challenges that inevitably come with leading people while pushing for great results.
After reading or listening to the book, please recommend the book to your friends and colleagues, share about it on social media, and write a review on Amazon or your favorite bookseller!
For a quick preview you can download the Two Word Essentials below.

Shows & Publications
From YouTube channels to podcasts to LinkedIn and Facebook Live, there are unlimited avenues to introduce Leadership Two Words at a Time.
If you have an online platform and would be willing to have me as a guest contact me. But if you have a connection with any of the venues below (or journalists and media personalities!), I would love an introduction:
- The HR Happy Hour podcast
- People Managing People Podcast
- DriveThruHR
- Nine To Thrive HR Podcast
- Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast
- Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast
- Lead to Win

Social Shares
If you follow the buttons below, I’ve made spreading the word easy! You will find images, graphics and endorsements you can share on any of your social channels.
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Collected Resources
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Suggested Copy
Leadership is hard. But in his new book, Leadership Two Words at a Time, Bill Treasurer guides new leaders to make their experience satisfying and successful. #TwoWords @btreasurer
Leadership should never be joyless! Be inspired by Bill’s new book, Leadership Two Words at a Time! #TwoWords @btreasurer
Transitioning into your first leadership role can be hugely challenging and most new leaders are wholly unprepared for it. Bill offers time-tested wisdom that new leaders can grasp immediately and implement easily. #TwoWords @btreasurer
This book gives you the basic building blocks to gain both competence and confidence, take on greater responsibility, and learn what it takes to be and stay a leader. #TwoWords @btreasurer
Other Platforms
Bill Treasurer wrote this book: to give you the playbook that seasoned leaders often complain they didn’t have. Leadership Two Words at a Time aims to give you time-tested advice for building the skills, knowledge, mindset, and wherewithal needed for effective and enduring leadership success.
Leadership Two Words at a Time provides the practical guidance and support that will extend whatever leadership development your employer is providing or failing to. You will find more than a book, but your own personal leadership coach.
Over thousands of hours of coaching, Bill noticed that leaders were far more likely to benefit from a coaching conversation, to act on commitments made during those conversations, when they were left with brief, memorable headers about the insights that we discussed. Leadership Two Words at a Time does just that.
The realities facing new leaders are unprecedently challenging, but the meager amount of support and training that has historically been provided to new leaders remains, sadly, unchanged. Leadership Two Words at a Time has the guidance they need.
Simple two-word phrases often have a neutralizing effect on situations that leaders formerly found charged, intimidating, or baffling. Hard situations were made easier to face just by simplifying how they were described. Rather than overintellectualize the practice, Bill Treasurer breaks up leadership concepts into essential and understandable learning nuggets—summed up by two-word headers—that provide the practical guidance and support that leaders often don’t get.
Share Leadership Two Words at a Time with new leaders in your organization and provide a guidebook full of leadership lessons that build the skills, knowledge, mindset, and wherewithal needed for effective and enduring leadership success.
Shareable Reviews
Kirkus Review:
“If you’re just starting out on your leadership journey, Leadership Two Words at a Time is the book for you! It’s loaded with road-tested, practical, concise advice that normally takes years and years to learn. Consider this book your own personal leadership playbook and Bill as your personal leadership coach.”
~David M.R. Covey, CEO of SMCOVEY and bestselling co-author of Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success
“I have read many books on leadership during my career, but none have provided the practical guidance reflection and call to action that Leadership Two Words at a Time does. Bill’s passion for developing new leaders shines through in every chapter. This is truly a must-read playbook, if you will, for every new leader. In fact, it’s a wonderful resource for all leaders.”
~Jeff Hayes, President & CEO, The Myers-Briggs Company
“This timely, relevant and actionable content is precisely what new leaders need to see and hear to be ready for the challenges of today’s marketplace. Even more compelling is the alignment with the new generation’s value and purpose driven career foundations. Its good. Really good.”
~Mark Breslin, CEO, United Contractors
“Some people make leadership too complicated. Others, too simplistic. It takes a gift to find the sweet spot and make it simple, accessible and powerful. Bill Treasurer speaks some timeless truths in his new book.”
~Michael Bungay Stanier, author of the bestseller The Coaching Habit
“Leadership Two Words at a Time hits all the right notes. It’s full of practical wisdom that new leaders can immediately draw upon and seasoned leaders can use to remind themselves about why they wanted to lead in the first place. As CEO of a global organization dedicated to developing leaders, I found myself nodding “Yes!” many times as I turned the pages.”
~Tacy M. Byham, Ph.D., CEO Development Dimensions International
“While Bill has written this book for new leaders, the wisdom packed into Leadership Two Words at a Time is equally beneficial for those who have been in leadership for many years (or decades). These concepts are time-tested, memorable, and easily applied for any leader at any level. This book is akin to having 14 robust mentorship sessions with a coach that you trust and respect. Highly recommended.”
~Chris Maslin, VP of HR & Organizational Development, The Biltmore Company
“Bill has turned leadership advice on its head – giving real and practical steps for you to follow to become a better boss, starting today. Whether you’re a new or veteran leader, if you’re struggling to get help for your team and company, read this book and follow its advice!”
~Marshall Goldsmith – Thinkers 50 #1 Executive Coach and only two-time #1 Leadership Thinker in the world.
“Wherever you are on your leadership journey, you will benefit from reading Leadership Two Words at a Time. Bill Treasurer’s new book will accelerate your progress and maximize your leadership potential.”
~Skip Prichard, CEO of OCLC, Inc. and WSJ bestselling author of The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future
“Before you become a leader, you talk with coworkers about the boss. When you are the leader, you become the subject of their conversations, for good or bad! Leadership Two Words at a Time is the blindspot protection every new leader can use, a gentle guide to navigate yourself, your work and your people as you take pressure from all sides.”
~Becky Pluth, President & CEO, The Bob Pike Group
“Many new leaders find themselves confronting the same, overwhelming question: ‘Now that I’m in charge, what in the world do I do next?’ In this honest, funny, and deeply insightful book, Bill Treasurer delivers profound answers and, like the great coach that he is, poses plenty of challenging questions that deepen his impact on the reader even more.”
~John R. Ryan, President and CEO, Center for Creative Leadership
“New leaders don’t know what they don’t know. Bill Treasurer has consolidated the most essential leadership lessons for new leaders in Leadership Two Words at a Time. Reading his unique insights made me wish I had had this book when I started my leadership journey in the USAF. I also recommend it for seasoned leaders to be reenergized and inspired by Bill’s creative way of making leadership fun again!”
~Pamela Eyring, President, The Protocol School of Washington
“While this book is a great resource for new leaders I found it invaluable for existing and senior leaders – especially as we are living through these unprecedented times. Leadership Two Words at a Time reinforces that we will find our way through by keeping our leadership focused on the right things, with perseverance. “
~John Oswald, President/CEO, Mills Manufacturing
“Leadership Two Words at a Time is easy to read, creates space for reflection, and enables the reader to turn fresh insights into practical actions. The bonus tips provide easy reference to leadership gems that Bill recaps based on his vast experience and his wonderful storytelling skills. Engaging from start-to-finish, Bill’s latest book is a valuable how-to guide for today’s new and emerging leaders!”
~Howard Farfel, CEO, TalentSmarts
“Every new leader needs timely, helpful guidance. But not every leadership book delivers such a great combo of actionable, credible, useful content in a palatable, digestible, easy to process-and-recall form. With pithy two-word wisdom, accessible down-to-earth explanations, relevant stories and examples, and lots of calls to action (even invitations to make and keep promises!). Leadership Two Words at a Time delivers what every new leader needs. My two-word review: “Read it!”
~Halelly Azulay, Leadership Development Strategist & CEO at TalentGrow, and host of The TalentGrow Show leadership podcast.
“Aldridge Electric has been a client of Bill Treasurer’s for over 15 years. His messages always resonate with our leaders because he gets to the heart of what actually works. Leadership Two Words at a Time will keep you focused on what matters most.
~Alex Aldridge, CEO, Aldridge Electric Incorporated.
“Bill Treasurer takes age-old wisdom and makes it breathe and make sense! He does this against the backdrop of these crazy, busy, worrisome times and leaves his readers with solid and practical ideas that can be implemented over a lifetime. Turn to Leadership Two Words at a Time when you (as a new leader) think:
- Why did I ever say yes to this role?
- There has to be a better way!
- How would someone else handle that?
- This is way harder than I ever thought!
- Egads, I need a good leadership coach!
If any of these made you smile … get this book!”
~Beverly Kaye, coauthor, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, and Lifetime Achievement Award-winner from the Association of Talent Development.
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