by Bill Treasurer | Jan 20, 2021 | Leadership Development
Edited January 2021 Leadership is a role, a part you play in front of many audiences. It’s a part that comes with many expected and unexpected demands. Finding the balance, what you are truly responsible for versus what you assume responsibility for, is the difference...
by Bill Treasurer | Jan 18, 2021 | Latest Updates
It’s not often that I’ll be bought to tears while working. Yesterday morning, while pulling together material for an upcoming workshop on motivation, I was reminded of a getaway my wife Shannon and I had taken and an extraordinary person we met during the trip. Every...
by Bill Treasurer | Jan 6, 2021 | Leadership Development
As a leader, knowing your people has a powerful and long-lasting impact. But the pendulum of effect swings two ways–positive and negative. A manager who is indifferent to his staff will leave individuals feeling disposable and unremarkable. However, a boss who takes...
by Bill Treasurer | Dec 21, 2020 | Latest Updates
Here’s to a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a grateful so long, farewell to 2020 from Giant Leap Consulting’s Chief Encouragement Officer, Bill Treasurer. ☃️...
by Bill Treasurer | Dec 3, 2020 | Personal Growth
I once coached a professional named Bob who was considering three separate job offers. All were well-known companies, but one was of particular renown. Its name carried a certain pedigree that eclipsed the others. Bob was courageous and settled his mind on one of the...