Meetings, Meetings, Meetings…Yuck!

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings…Yuck!

Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Ever feel like you are perpetually in a state of meetings? In my consulting work, I hear this complaint a lot. You’re not alone if you feel meetings are a waste of time or that they leave you with no time to get real work done....
Physician Heal Thyself

Physician Heal Thyself

Bill Treasurer is a fake! I came to that conclusion about a year after I had become a full-time internal executive coach at Accenture. The role itself was perfect. I had a budget, a good deal of latitude to do the job as I saw fit, and although most of my coachees...
Right Risk

Right Risk

West of Kilkenny, in the heart of southern Ireland, is the little town of Galmoy. The birthplace of my great-grandmother, Mary McCormack. Years ago, during a visit to the Emerald Isle, my wife and I journeyed to the small thatch-covered home where Gandy, as we called...
Fear of the Known

Fear of the Known

Last week we talked about how fear of the unknown can hold you back. In my opinion, fear of the unknown is overrated. The real fear, and the hardest to overcome, is fear of the known. Few things inhibit our ability to take a risk as much as an early bad experience. In...