by Bill Treasurer | Apr 26, 2016 | Latest Updates, Strategic Planning
Inspiring creativity and imagination often requires disrupting people’s mental routines and catching them off guard. For example, a large manufacturer of paper plates held a series of marketing meetings. However, for people who spent most of their working life...
by Bill Treasurer | Apr 19, 2016 | Leadership Development
Sometimes just making small language shifts can have a huge impact on how people define themselves and their roles. This is why you should consider your words. The owner of a $5 billion construction company wanted his division heads to do less managing and more...
by Bill Treasurer | Apr 12, 2016 | Leadership Development
What is the starting point of leadership? A lot of people are confused by this. In working with thousands of leaders, I hear this all the time. I once had dinner with a 33 year old young man about to take over a 3rd generation company. Just like a lot of well...
by Bill Treasurer | Mar 15, 2016 | Courageous Leadership
Leading courageously often involves sharing feedback, both bad and good, with those around you. But feedback can be really hard to give, and it’s even harder to take. It helps to view it in terms of being constructive, helping people grow, or destructive, which...
by Bill Treasurer | Mar 8, 2016 | Courageous Coaching, Courageous Leadership, Leadership Development, Team Building
Even the best project managers occasionally have team members who fail to deliver. Workers sometimes miss due dates, don’t prioritize, or just plain misinterpret expectations. To put it simply, people need to be held accountable in order to grow and succeed in their...