Getting Real In The Bubbily Boo

Getting Real In The Bubbily Boo

My kids are my greatest teachers. Here’s a quick story to illustrate one powerful lesson they recently taught me. My youngest son, Ian, started singing a song that he had heard on the Disney channel, “Down in the Bubbily Boo.” The song was cute and catchy, so the rest...
The Best Part Of Leading

The Best Part Of Leading

Leadership is hard work. It takes making accurate decisions based often on inaccurate or incomplete data. It requires bringing about change and contending with the resistance that it prompts. It requires caring about those you lead, but remaining objective enough not...
How To Improve As A Trainer

How To Improve As A Trainer

Do you want to continuously improve as a trainer? Here are some training tips that I’ve learned through trial and error. How long have you been a training professional? Whether you’ve been in it for 25 years, 6 years, or 4 months, you’ve probably dealt with a tough...