by Bill Treasurer | Nov 20, 2013 | Team Building
One challenge most leaders face is how to inspire more workplace creativity. Elevating people to higher standards of performance and inspiring useful ideas requires igniting their imaginations. Open-door leaders are keen to prevent complacency and lethargy. They know...
by Bill Treasurer | Oct 23, 2013 | Personal Growth
Sometimes the best way for a leader to reveal how passionately they care about an issue is to get very, very angry. I am not suggesting that a leader should use anger to intimidate people. Quite the contrary. The kind of anger I’m speaking of often enlists people to...
by Bill Treasurer | Oct 16, 2013 | Courageous Leadership
People often ask me how I define courage. My usual response is that what matters more is how you define courage. What does courage look like to you? Who are some courageous role models in your own life? When an organization brings me in to build workplace courage, one...
by Bill Treasurer | Oct 9, 2013 | Strategic Planning
You hear a lot about the importance of metrics in organizations. When it comes to behavior and performance, as the saying goes, you get what you measure. It’s also said that you can’t manage what you can’t measure. While it is important for leaders to make...
by Bill Treasurer | Oct 2, 2013 | Leadership Development
Bill Treasurer, our Chief Encouragement Officer, was recently honored to be interviewed by 33 Voices, a global conversation about all things that matter in life and business. Bill had a great time, joining the ranks of the world’s thought leaders, and sharing with the...