Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Lead With Care

Lead With Care

Do you care about me? This is what people want to know when they work for you. They may not say it directly, but it is the core question that defines the relationship between you and the people you lead. When people believe the answer is “yes,” they will be more...

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Taking a Moment to Pause

Taking a Moment to Pause

During this time of year, we are often overwhelmed. Schedules are full and there are never enough hours in the day. But while you are busy rushing from one thing to the next, I offer this reminder from my book Leadership to Words at a Time, to pause, breathe and...

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The Gift of Opportunity

The Gift of Opportunity

As we approach the holiday season, gifts are on many of our minds. As a leader, one of the greatest gifts you can give your team is the gift of opportunity. Opportunities are the venues where people can try themselves, test themselves, better themselves, and even find...

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Inspiring Courage

Inspiring Courage

I founded Giant Leap Consulting with a mission to inspire people and organizations to have more courage. I choose inspiring courage as our mission because I agree with Aristotle, "Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the...

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Why We Can’t Just Play it Safe

Why We Can’t Just Play it Safe

In a world that continually reminds us about how unsafe it is, it is difficult to maintain a “play it safe” approach. From political divisions to a tumultuous stock market to polluted skies, we are buffeted by the reckless risks of others. In an increasingly compressed...

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Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting

Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting

Updated October 2022 Quiet quitting has been a buzzword and a source of much back and forth on social media. As you know from my latest book, Leadership Two Words at a Time, I am all about two-word phrases. But quiet quitting doesn't actually explain the phenomenon...

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Building Trust in 15 Minutes

Building Trust in 15 Minutes

Last month I had the privilege of having Ken Blanchard join me for a webinar in support of my latest book. Ken is a leadership luminary whom I’ve long admired. He is the author or co-author of over sixty books, including the classic, The One Minute Manager,...

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