Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

5 Tips for Thriving Leadership

5 Tips for Thriving Leadership

Effective, thriving leadership begins with self-leadership. No one wants to follow a leader who can't manage themselves. Self-leadership is the foundation that qualifies you to lead others. You must assess and improve your personal habits, mindset, and behavior. Here...

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Keep Your Leadership Ego in Perspective

Keep Your Leadership Ego in Perspective

As you progress in your leadership career and grow in influence, rank, and stature, never lose sight of the fact that you're just a speck in an infinite universe, like every other human being who ever lived. It doesn't matter how much money you make, how many people...

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Naive Leaders And Their Comeuppance

Naive Leaders And Their Comeuppance

When described through a pair of rose-colored glasses, the idea of leadership as an easy career doesn’t do the naive leader any favors. Why? Because it’s not just misleading, it’s an outright lie. Leadership is messy, challenging, and you will get things wrong–more...

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Leadership and the Art of Performance

Leadership and the Art of Performance

Edited January 2021 Leadership is a role, a part you play in front of many audiences. It’s a part that comes with many expected and unexpected demands. Finding the balance, what you are truly responsible for versus what you assume responsibility for, is the difference...

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We Should All be Like Woody

We Should All be Like Woody

It’s not often that I’ll be bought to tears while working. Yesterday morning, while pulling together material for an upcoming workshop on motivation, I was reminded of a getaway my wife Shannon and I had taken and an extraordinary person we met during the trip. Every...

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Never Underestimate the Power of Knowing Your People

Never Underestimate the Power of Knowing Your People

As a leader, knowing your people has a powerful and long-lasting impact. But the pendulum of effect swings two ways–positive and negative.  A manager who is indifferent to his staff will leave individuals feeling disposable and unremarkable. However, a boss who takes...

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Ho, ho, ho…and Merry Christmas!

Here's to a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a grateful so long, farewell to 2020 from Giant Leap Consulting's Chief Encouragement Officer, Bill Treasurer. ☃️ [video width="656" height="1232"...

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