Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Cultivate Growth

Cultivate Growth

As we bid farewell to winter and begin to see signs of spring all around us, my thoughts naturally turn to themes of growth and renewal. This season, I'm reminded of the immense potential that lies dormant within all of us. Like a bulb buried deep in the ground,...

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Keeping the Faith and Gratitude Alive All Yearlong

Keeping the Faith and Gratitude Alive All Yearlong

In keeping with last month’s sentiment of gratitude, I found myself writing what turned out to be a tribute to my grandmother, who my family affectionately called, “GooGoo.” It was the introduction to my newsletter, something I pen every month, and after it was done,...

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Why I’m Grateful for Courageous Honesty

Why I’m Grateful for Courageous Honesty

Years ago, when I learned that I sucked at leading, I was a nomad, traveling and hurling myself off 100-foot towers into small pools at amusement parks throughout North America. I had just become the captain of the U.S. high-diving team and was responsible for leading...

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Let Them Fail!

Let Them Fail!

The following is an original blog post by Coach Jim Johnson. Coach Johnson is a professional motivational speaker, team performance & leadership coach, and author of , “A Coach & A Miracle.” Let us cut right through the chase! A well-known fact shared among...

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