Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Why Should You Train for Courage?

Why Should You Train for Courage?

If you are wondering, “What is this courage stuff, and why should I train for courage?” I've got some answers to those questions in this post, plus at the end, I've got a free downloadable resource for you. If you want to learn about courage, you also have to learn...

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Mid-career Leadership Is Harder Than You Ever Expected

Mid-career Leadership Is Harder Than You Ever Expected

My work with leaders has convinced me how immensely difficult is to get leadership right. Leading other people is really, really hard. Indeed, the sheer glut of leadership books may be the best evidence of how hard leadership truly is. If it were easy, budding leaders...

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Leaders Use Opportunity, Not Fear, to Motivate

Leaders Use Opportunity, Not Fear, to Motivate

Using fear to motivate people is cheap leadership. Any two-bit dictator can use fear to get things done. It takes no finesse or intelligence and ultimately works against the leader. The temporary spike in motivation from stoking people's fears is offset by the...

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Simplifying Leadership—Seriously!

Simplifying Leadership—Seriously!

Last month I wrote about how hard leadership is. A quick recap on why that is: Total accountability. A leader can’t delegate accountability and/or responsibility to someone else. When you’re in charge, you are on the hook 24/7/365. The boss is the focal point for...

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Leaders See Opportunities Not Problems

Leaders See Opportunities Not Problems

Real leaders view challenging situations as opportunities, not problems. Instead of injecting people with fear, they navigate them towards opportunities, inspiring them with excitement and hope. Finding opportunities for others means letting go of your own ego so...

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Coach Havlik says, “Leadership IS Hard!”

Coach Havlik says, “Leadership IS Hard!”

I can’t imagine anyone who has ever been in a supervisory role arguing against that statement. The expectations that come with being the boss are huge! Some people excel when they’re in charge, many others fail. And why do they fail? Mainly because they can’t handle...

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These Are Leadership’s Heaviest Burdens

These Are Leadership’s Heaviest Burdens

When you’re a leader, your primary responsibility is to leave people and the organization better off than when you found them. But the pressures of your other nonwork responsibilities also compete for your attention. You’re responsible for being a good spouse, parent,...

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