Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

What is a Scary Leader?

What is a Scary Leader?

Leadership is as ancient as humanity. Since the first tribes of barefooted humans hunted on the plains, there have been leaders. In fact, leadership is probably older than humanity, in that animals and other organisms display leadership. Pecking orders are part of...

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Are You Delegating Out of Necessity or Trust?

Are You Delegating Out of Necessity or Trust?

Delegation: it's an art form, but too often, managers and leaders don't see it that way. In fact, most of them don't delegate enough and end up completing tasks and projects themselves. As a result, 78% of workers believe their boss routinely does work that would be...

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When Leaders Go Bad

When Leaders Go Bad

When you think of the word “leadership,” what comes up? Most people view leadership as connoting the best of the best, the demonstration of high ideals, and living and acting with high integrity. But as long as there have been leaders, there have been leaders who...

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Leaders Answer Their Emails

Leaders Answer Their Emails

I’m in a particularly ornery mood this month! Maybe it’s the slow start of the Orioles in the new baseball season. Maybe I’m tired of telling some of the trainers at my local gym that they’re not failures and to not totally buy-in on all the hype they're hearing from...

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Clients Depend on You…and You on Them

Clients Depend on You…and You on Them

I’ve been blessed to have many mentors over the years. One who stands out is Hines Brannan, my former boss during my years working at Accenture, a large management consulting company. Though I haven’t worked for Accenture in sixteen years, and Hines retired about the...

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