Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

The Three Buckets of Courage

The Three Buckets of Courage

Understanding and influencing courageous behavior is an important part of effective leadership and organizational development. When it comes to influencing courage in the workplace, it's essential to recognize and appreciate the different dimensions that individuals...

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Want to Appear In Bill’s Next Book? Send Us Your Story!

Want to Appear In Bill’s Next Book? Send Us Your Story!

Bill Treasurer, author of acclaimed books including Right Risk, Leaders Open Doors, and A Leadership Kick In The Ass, knows that leadership moves the world. Be it small venues or big, when leadership is active, prevalent, and shared, results happen. We have seen...

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Look Me In The Eye!

Look Me In The Eye!

Greetings GLC readers! I hope 2018 is going well as you continue to work on all those resolutions you promised yourself you would improve upon, with being a better “communicator” as your #1. If not, it should be, because as leaders, your ability to effectively...

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Finding Your Voice Leads to Creative Courage

Finding Your Voice Leads to Creative Courage

I am excited that author and leader Shelly Francis is sharing an excerpt from her new book, The Courage Way. At its core, leadership is a daily, ongoing practice and a journey that requires courage. I hope you find inspiration for your own path in the words below.  --...

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Walk The Deckplates!

Walk The Deckplates!

Happy 2018! With the new year comes the traditional resolutions where we strive to do better: lose weight, get in shape, be happy, be a better parent, etc. I would suggest to you all that as leaders, I bet we all could do a little better in the “listening” department....

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Deployed for the Holidays

During my 31 years in the Navy, I was deployed or stationed overseas during the holidays nine times. And I loved every minute of it!! Now, some of you may wonder why I loved being far from loved ones during the one time of the year when family is highlighted, and the...

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