Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

The Courage to Act

The Courage to Act

Taking action can be incredibly challenging for a variety of reasons, and these challenges are often deeply rooted in human psychology and behavior. It also takes courage, and it’s safe to say you probably have some experience with courage. What we choose to act on is...

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Don’t Let Fear Rule Your Workplace

Don’t Let Fear Rule Your Workplace

Despite the overwhelming evidence about fear and its debilitating impacts on performance, many leaders still resort to stoking people’s fears to get work done. Don't let fear rule your organization. Given how damaging fear is in the workplace, it is useful to know...

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The Golden Rules of Professionalism

The Golden Rules of Professionalism

Everyone knows about the “Golden Rule,” right? The ancient law of reciprocity reminds us how we should engage with others in society. Well, I would like to propose a set of golden rules for the business world. These rules can help guide a positive daily engagement...

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Teaming is Hard Work!

Teaming is Hard Work!

Great teams take time to develop. For seven years I traveled around the world as a member of the U.S. High Diving Team, diving from heights that scaled to over 100 feet into small pools that were only 10 feet deep. If we didn’t team well together, people could die. So...

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How to Have the Courage to Embrace Millennials and Succeed

How to Have the Courage to Embrace Millennials and Succeed

Keep Calm and have the courage to Maximize and Embrace Millennials Guest post by Dan Negroni Millennials are the Power. In the next decade, they will be the most prevalent and dominant generation in the workplace. Technology is changing the world at hyper-speed and...

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Leading Change in Your Organization

Leading Change in Your Organization

Great leaders are great at leading change in their organizations and effectively combat the resistance that often keeps changes from being implemented. Though resistance is a natural and inevitable part of the change process, it still gets in the way. However, what...

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5 Keys to Building TRUST

5 Keys to Building TRUST

In my work as a courage-builder, I describe three distinct types of courage: TRY Courage, TRUST Courage, and TELL Courage. TRY Courage is taking action to do something you’ve never done before. TELL Courage is being a truth-teller, especially when it’s hard to assert...

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