Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

A Leader You Can’t Trust

A Leader You Can’t Trust

Let’s start with the obvious: if you don’t have the trust of the people you’re leading, you will fail as a leader. Without trust, people can’t put stock in your vision, won’t commit themselves to your directives, and will lose confidence in you. If people can’t trust...

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Does Being Disorganized Make You Less Effective?

Does Being Disorganized Make You Less Effective?

An effective manager is an organized manager -- because being organized reduces distractions and removes the unnecessary from your life. Sometimes "getting organized" is easier said than done, however. But if you can't keep your own workspace in order, how can you...

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Courage Doesn’t Always Mean Saying Yes

Courage Doesn’t Always Mean Saying Yes

Sometimes people think that having courage requires saying YES to every big risk that comes along. But sometimes it actually means applying a disciplined NO to assert a boundary. Ed Viesturs, one of America's greatest adventurers, has submitted all fourteen of the...

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Build Your Confidence, Not Your Fear

Build Your Confidence, Not Your Fear

Fear and excitement prompt the same neurological responses and are important when trying to build your confidence. Think for a moment about what happens to you physiologically when you are really, really afraid. Your heart races, your palms sweat, your breath gets...

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Be Real: Lead From Your HEART

Be Real: Lead From Your HEART

As a practical matter, it’s a good idea to care about your people. When they know you care about them, they will care about you—and your success. In fact, you’ll know that you’re truly a leader who cares when the people you lead start seeking and valuing your input,...

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Bringing The Holiday Spirit

Leadership requires sound judgment. But there's a big difference between having sound judgment and being overly judgmental. Sometimes when you're too judgmental, you become intolerant. You pre-judge a situation and that gets in the way of connecting with others. In...

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