I founded Giant Leap Consulting with a mission to inspire people and organizations to have more courage. I choose inspiring courage as our mission because I agree with Aristotle, "Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the...
Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.
The First Virtue
Here’s the deal: if you resolve yourself to live a courageous life, by making courage the foundational virtue of your life, all of the other virtues – like compassion, justice, patience, and honor – are strengthened and emboldened. Courage is the First Virtue because...
Express Gratitude Daily
Giant Leap Consulting is the world’s first Courage Building company. Our mission is to help people and organizations be more courageous. Our strategic planning services, customized leadership & team development workshops, and performance-enhancing skills training are designed to build courage in your workforce. Our aim is to raise your organization’s confidence, standards, and profits.
*In addition to blog posts, you will receive my monthly newsletter with updates and tips for inspiring workplace courage.