If you’re aim is to be an effective leader, you need to be crystal clear about the differences between functional and dysfunctional leadership. It all comes down to getting the right blend of confidence and humility. We consider leaders functional when they carry the...
Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.
Creating Safety
The relationship between risk-taking and safety is one that is often overlooked in the workplace. People are more likely to take risks when they feel safe, and the consequences for doing so are forgiving. However, this doesn't mean creating a risk-free environment....
Getting to Acceptance
Over the course of your career, you’re bound to have a few startling setbacks. In my book, A Leadership Kick in the Ass, I explain why setbacks and failures often provide valuable lessons that can actually enhance your career. The trick is learning to accept the...
The Pressure to Deliver Results
The pressure to deliver results is as old as leadership itself. Greek mythology tells the story of Dionysius, a Sicilian king, and Damocles, his fawning courtier. Damocles had a habit of going on and on about how fortunate the king was, how magnificent he must be to...
Work In Progress: Goal Setting to Improve as a Leader
You’ve got to get better. Everyone does. The torch of self-improvement should burn bright and shouldn’t flame out until very late in life. You will never ‘graduate’ as a leader. You will never be granted absolution from the obligation to improve. The people you lead...
How Will AI Impact Organizations and the Role of Leaders?
If you have a television or radio, chances are you have heard talk of AI (Artificial Intelligence). Artificial intelligence has the potential to improve workplace efficiency dramatically. It has the potential to take over dangerous or repetitive tasks and allow...
Development Works
One of the advantages of a thirty-year career is accumulating enough evidence to support your convictions. Some people doubt that training can develop leadership skills, and think that people are either born with what it takes to be a leader or they aren’t. So early...
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