People Need to Be Held Accountable

Even the best project managers occasionally have team members who fail to deliver. Workers sometimes miss due dates, don’t prioritize, or just plain misinterpret expectations. To put it simply, people need to be held accountable in order to grow and succeed in their work.

Here are 6 tips to consider when increasing your team’s accountability.

  • Be Clear about Your Expectations: Start by giving clear instructions. If they do not know your expectations, how can they know if they are reaching or missing them? Be explicit about what you want.
  • Be Timely with Your Feedback: When you realize that your expectations are not being made, give your feedback promptly. Don’t wait until their six-month review to address the problem areas. Hold people accountable as soon as you see an accountability slip. Otherwise, you aren’t being accountable in holding them accountable!
  • Be Consistent: Don’t play favorites. Your expectations should apply to everyone in your team. Others will notice if you are inconsistent and only some people are held accountable.
  • Be Discreet: Avoid criticizing people in front of their peers. The humiliation coupled with that experience will often lead to greater negative consequences. When holding people accountable, address them privately and respectfully.
  • Be Gracious: Forgiving a person who has failed to deliver on expectations is sometimes a way to set up better performance in the future.
  • Be Balanced: This is an incredibly important concept. There is nothing written on a stone tablet that says all forms of accountability must be negative. You can hold people accountable for what they have succeeded at doing well. Catch people doing something right!

Above all, make sure you remain accountable yourself!

People will take their behavioral cues from you, so practice what you preach. When you’re wrong, promptly admit it. When you miss your marks, own it. Above all, don’t blame others for mistakes you make. We all make ‘em!

What other tips do you have for keeping people accountable?

Does your team have a leader who keeps everyone accountable? Are you a project manager trying to figure out how to lead your team to success? Contact Giant Leap at to learn about our signature leadership workshops, including our New Manager Boot Camp.

This post is an excerpt from GLC’s New Manager Boot Camp Workbook by Bill Treasurer.
Image credit: unsplash

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