Want to Appear In Bill’s Next Book? Send Us Your Story!

Bill Treasurer, author of acclaimed books including Right Risk, Leaders Open Doors, and A Leadership Kick In The Ass, knows that leadership moves the world. Be it small venues or big, when leadership is active, prevalent, and shared, results happen. We have seen leaders make profound and enduring positive changes at the personal and organizational level. But, with more and more frequency, we have also seen leaders do breathtakingly stupid, self-serving, and unethical things. We’re sure you have seen these things too.


We are excited to announce Bill is currently at work on his new book, The Leadership Killers: Reclaiming Humility in an Age of Arrogance. Co-written with retired U.S. Navy SEAL Captain John Havlik, The Leadership Killers is an exploration of the forces that quietly cause leaders to compromise their integrity, misuse their power, and subvert their own effectiveness.


The most lethal force is hubris. Unless you manage your ego, your leadership will be seriously flawed.


Now, we want real-world stories–like yours!–to share with readers around the globe.

Think about a time when your ego or hubris (excessive pride or self-confidence) got you into trouble at work, in an organization, or in a collaboration/partnership.

  • How did ego get in the way?
  • What happened when your pride or excessive self-confidence took over?
  • What steps did you take to modify hubris or let go of your ego?
  • What consequences, positive outcomes and lessons arose from this event?

Tell Us Your Story…

It’s easy as 1-2-3.


  1. Fill out the form below. Feel free to give us as much story detail as possible at this time. Don’t worry, we’ll go over the details with you later if we’re interested in using your story. Press Submit.
  2. We will review your story. If we are interested in including it in the book, we will reach out to you for more details or to clarify anything necessary, as well as ask you how you would like to be identified (or not identified, first name or alias is fine!) and give you a timeline of what to expect.
  3. As a thank you, you’ll receive an exclusive excerpt from Bill’s forthcoming book…before anyone else gets a chance to see it! This excerpt will be ready in May or June 2018.


[contact-form-7 id=”106324″ title=”Hubris Stories”]

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