How To Improve As A Trainer

Do you want to continuously improve as a trainer?

Here are some training tips that I’ve learned through trial and error.

How long have you been a training professional? Whether you’ve been in it for 25 years, 6 years, or 4 months, you’ve probably dealt with a tough person or group.

I love being a trainer and workshop facilitator. It keeps me on my toes, and I feeling like I’m solving puzzles in my head the whole time. I know I’ve had a good session, when I leave feeling like I’m done a good workout. Because I know that I gave it my all and did everything I could to help the people connect with the ideas I was sharing.

While I haven’t found a 100% successful strategy for eliminating all challenges, I do have some strategies that help to me to prepare and deliver effective workshops.

It may sound silly, but you’ve got to remember to care deeply about the people you are training.

Bill Treasurer, the founder and CEO of Giant Leap, and I believe this so much that when we co-facilitate we literally look at each before a workshop and say, “Remember to love them.” For me, it helps ground me in the truth that these are people coming with their own wisdom and experience. I need to honor that and appreciate what they have to say.

One of my favorite things to say in a workshop is, “Tell me more about that.”

If you have someone who keeps giving you one word or short phrase answers, it’s a great way to draw them out and put the responsibility of their learning back on their own shoulders. Likewise, if you have a person who offers a really thought provoking statement, it’s a gentle way to have them provide even more insight.

I’ve prepared a free PDF download that provides you with Eight More Powerful Training Tips. They are strategies I employ that have worked for me. I hope they work for you too. Just click here to access it.

I hope you’ve found these ideas and resources I’ve been sharing with you valuable. I know you’ll do good and meaningful work with them. Tell me, what are some of your best training tips? Share them in the comments or over on Facebook.

Image credit: nuggety247

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