Inside and outside of work, these are fearful times. Over the last few years, the world has suffered through an unusual amount of anxiety-provoking situations, including the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous wars, the toppling of governments, multiple natural disasters, and...
Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.
Results for "feedback"
Development Works
One of the advantages of a thirty-year career is accumulating enough evidence to support your convictions. Some people doubt that training can develop leadership skills, and think that people are either born with what it takes to be a leader or they aren’t. So early...
Five Key Characteristics of Goals That Motivate
We are at the starting line of another year. And for the majority of companies, the new year begins with goals. Now as you are reading this, chances are you have made and already broken your own New Year's resolution. The most common reason for that is lost...
The Gift of Opportunity
As we approach the holiday season, gifts are on many of our minds. As a leader, one of the greatest gifts you can give your team is the gift of opportunity. Opportunities are the venues where people can try themselves, test themselves, better themselves, and even find...
Fighting Lost Motivation with Goal Setting
Updated October 2022 Quiet quitting has been a buzzword and a source of much back and forth on social media. As you know from my latest book, Leadership Two Words at a Time, I am all about two-word phrases. But quiet quitting doesn't actually explain the phenomenon...
Supporting a New Leader
Taking on a new leadership role is always challenging. New responsibilities. New team members. And new roles to play. But today, as organizations are facing the Great Resignation, remote and hybrid work environments, and overall economic uncertainty, the challenges...
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