Building courageous leadership and inspiring fantastic results.

Results for "feedback"

Leadership Is Freakin’ Hard

Leadership Is Freakin’ Hard

Congratulations! You've become a leader! At last, your ideas will be listened to, valued and heeded. People will finally take you seriously. Now your impact, influence, and income will grow. Ah, the life of leader. Issuing orders. Imparting wisdom. Developing...

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The Best Part Of Leading

The Best Part Of Leading

Leadership is hard work. It takes making accurate decisions based often on inaccurate or incomplete data. It requires bringing about change and contending with the resistance that it prompts. It requires caring about those you lead, but remaining objective enough not...

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How To Train For Courage

How To Train For Courage

Courage can be transformative. BUT how do you train for courage? Now that’s a good question. We’ve talked now about the transformative potential of courage, both to your people and to your organization. But how do you unlock that potential? Let’s dive into that. I’ve...

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Privacy Policy

Our Commitment To Protecting Your Privacy Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this...

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5 Signs That Your Organization Needs Courage Building

5 Signs That Your Organization Needs Courage Building

Fear is bad for business. It lowers morale, engagement, and ultimately performance. Despite the overwhelming evidence about fear's debilitating impacts on performance, many leaders still resort to stoking people’s fears to get work done. Margaret Wheatley, author of...

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Mentoring Matters

Mentoring Matters

My life and career have been propped up by mentors. They have been the difference-makers for me. Now that I am at life’s halfway point – I turned 50 this year – I am especially conscious about how much of an impact they have had on who I am. I’m always troubled when a...

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