by Bill Treasurer | Feb 11, 2021 | Leadership Development
When described through a pair of rose-colored glasses, the idea of leadership as an easy career doesn’t do the naive leader any favors. Why? Because it’s not just misleading, it’s an outright lie. Leadership is messy, challenging, and you will get things wrong–more...
by John Havlik | Dec 16, 2020 | Courageous Leadership
Hey GLC readers! It is December 2020, and what a year it has been. Total craziness! I think it’s safe to say that all of us are tired of social distancing, washing our hands countless times during the day, and deciding when we walk into a grocery store if having to...
by Bill Treasurer | Dec 3, 2020 | Personal Growth
I once coached a professional named Bob who was considering three separate job offers. All were well-known companies, but one was of particular renown. Its name carried a certain pedigree that eclipsed the others. Bob was courageous and settled his mind on one of the...
by Bill Treasurer | Nov 18, 2020 | Personal Growth
Today’s post comes courtesy of Craig Atkinson, vice president of communications and strategic services at The Walsh Group. What would you do if you lost it all? How would you react? What would you say? Would you break or rise to the occasion with strength...
by Bill Treasurer | Aug 5, 2020 | Leadership Development
As a leader, you have two primary jobs: 1) leave the company better off than you found it, and 2) leave people better off than you found them. The former is achieved through the latter. Thus, you have to keep sight of each person’s potential. Because in helping...