Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown

A lot has been written about the natural tendency to fear the unknown. In my opinion, the first (and perhaps best) description of this phenomenon comes from the 4000-yearold masterpiece of Plato. In The Republic, Socrates (an early Right Risk-taker) describes fear as...
The Day I Wasn’t Courageous

The Day I Wasn’t Courageous

Morning weddings are more vibrant than those held in the afternoon. In the morning, flowers radiate with more intensity, people smile wider, and the sun is more forgiving. In Jacksonville, Florida, where summer temperatures can reach into the 90s before noon, getting...
Don’t Let Fear Rule Your Workplace

Don’t Let Fear Rule Your Workplace

Despite the overwhelming evidence about fear and its debilitating impacts on performance, many leaders still resort to stoking people’s fears to get work done. Don’t let fear rule your organization. Given how damaging fear is in the workplace, it is useful to...
Build Your Confidence, Not Your Fear

Build Your Confidence, Not Your Fear

Fear and excitement prompt the same neurological responses and are important when trying to build your confidence. Think for a moment about what happens to you physiologically when you are really, really afraid. Your heart races, your palms sweat, your breath gets...