The Gift of Opportunity

The Gift of Opportunity

As we approach the holiday season, gifts are on many of our minds. As a leader, one of the greatest gifts you can give your team is the gift of opportunity. Opportunities are the venues where people can try themselves, test themselves, better themselves, and even find...
Why Two Words?

Why Two Words?

Over the course of twenty-five years, across thousands of hours, I have coached hundreds of leaders from all ranks. Over time, I noticed that leaders were far more likely to benefit from a coaching conversation, to act on commitments made during those conversations,...
Leading Away From Comfort

Leading Away From Comfort

Updated July 2022 It may surprise you that your job as a leader is to make people uncomfortable. Why? Because people learn, develop, and progress in a zone of discomfort, not comfort. It is in the pursuit of challenges that are hard, scary, and uncomfortable that...
When Your Strengths Cast a Shadow

When Your Strengths Cast a Shadow

There’s been a lot written about “strength-based” development approaches in recent years. Research suggests that you’re better off building on your natural strengths and talents than trying to improve your weaknesses. The usefulness of the strength-based approach...