by Bill Treasurer | Feb 5, 2020 | Courageous Leadership
From every vantage point, be it political courage, military courage, moral courage, or physical courage, courage is most often defined as an extraordinary feat, an action taken while enduring exceptional hardship or challenge. To be thought of as “courageous,” we...
by Bill Treasurer | Mar 29, 2019 | Leadership Development
Using fear to motivate people is cheap leadership. Any two-bit dictator can use fear to get things done. It takes no finesse or intelligence and ultimately works against the leader. The temporary spike in motivation from stoking people’s fears is offset by the...
by Bill Treasurer | Mar 7, 2019 | Latest Updates
Real leaders view challenging situations as opportunities, not problems. Instead of injecting people with fear, they navigate them towards opportunities, inspiring them with excitement and hope. Finding opportunities for others means letting go of your own ego so...
by Bill Treasurer | Jul 20, 2016 | Courageous Leadership
My bet is that the leaders you most admire are the ones who left you better off than they found you by creating opportunities that helped you grow. How? By being open to you, valuing your input and perspective. By being open with you, telling you the truth even if the...
by Bill Treasurer | Apr 26, 2016 | Latest Updates, Strategic Planning
Inspiring creativity and imagination often requires disrupting people’s mental routines and catching them off guard. For example, a large manufacturer of paper plates held a series of marketing meetings. However, for people who spent most of their working life...