Getting Real In The Bubbily Boo

Getting Real In The Bubbily Boo

My kids are my greatest teachers. Here’s a quick story to illustrate one powerful lesson they recently taught me. My youngest son, Ian, started singing a song that he had heard on the Disney channel, “Down in the Bubbily Boo.” The song was cute and catchy, so the rest...
Join The Gratitude Campaign

Join The Gratitude Campaign

There’s been a lot of talk lately about breaking the Internet. Let’s see if we can do it by lifting people up, sharing inspiration and thanking those who opened doors for us. I bet someone has opened a door for you in your life – a door that helped...
Leadership Opportunity Fest Blog Tour

Leadership Opportunity Fest Blog Tour

Last month, I gathered together some of my friends and fellow Berrett-Koehler authors to talk about the people who saw potential in us when we couldn’t see it in ourselves. These people opened doors of opportunity that helped us get to where we are today, and it was...