Keeping An Opportunity Mindset

Keeping An Opportunity Mindset

Opportunities are the venues where people can try themselves, test themselves, better themselves, and even find themselves. The leader’s job is to match the opportunity to the person and to help the person, and the organization, exploit the opportunity for all it’s...
The Open Door

The Open Door

The term “open door” is often considered a policy. But I think about it a bit differently. While leadership is often defined as a set of behaviors by which one person influences others toward the achievement of goals, it is really about providing growth,...
A Leader You Can’t Trust

A Leader You Can’t Trust

Let’s start with the obvious: if you don’t have the trust of the people you’re leading, you will fail as a leader. Without trust, people can’t put stock in your vision, won’t commit themselves to your directives, and will lose confidence in you. If people can’t trust...