by Bill Treasurer | May 5, 2021 | Personal Growth
Imagine building a long and positive track record as a leader. You’ve earned your stripes through hard work, persistence, and dedication. You have invested time creating opportunities to grow and develop people and organizations. You’ve made a real, positive, and...
by Bill Treasurer | Mar 3, 2021 | Personal Growth
I’ve always lived in my head a little too much. Drawn to ideas and ideals, I’m attracted to lofty philosophies and neglectful of attending to what’s right in front of me. So at the start of this year, I decided I would begin a daily practice of caring for a little...
by Bill Treasurer | Feb 18, 2021 | Personal Growth
As you progress in your leadership career and grow in influence, rank, and stature, never lose sight of the fact that you’re just a speck in an infinite universe, like every other human being who ever lived. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, how...
by Bill Treasurer | Dec 3, 2020 | Personal Growth
I once coached a professional named Bob who was considering three separate job offers. All were well-known companies, but one was of particular renown. Its name carried a certain pedigree that eclipsed the others. Bob was courageous and settled his mind on one of the...
by Bill Treasurer | Nov 18, 2020 | Personal Growth
Today’s post comes courtesy of Craig Atkinson, vice president of communications and strategic services at The Walsh Group. What would you do if you lost it all? How would you react? What would you say? Would you break or rise to the occasion with strength...
by Bill Treasurer | Nov 5, 2020 | Personal Growth
Risk-taking is by definition a little (or a lot) scary, but it can also reveal the best in us. When we’re acting out our convictions and putting concrete action to our deeply-held values, the risks are generally worth it, and can actually be an exciting, positive...